8:00-9:00 Breakfast
Session 1 – Chair: Ozan Candogan
9:00-9:45 Invited talk: Jon Kleinberg, Competition and Selection Among Conventions in Social Networks. (Slides).
9:45-10:05: Drivers, Riders and Service Providers: The Impact of the Sharing Economy on Mobility. (Slides and Notes). Saif Benjaafar, Harald Bernhard and Costas Courcoubetis.
10:05-10:15 A Distributed Mechanism for Public goods Allocation with Dynamic Learning Guarantees. (Slides). Abhinav Sinha and Achilleas Anastasopoulos.
10:15-10:25 Participation Incentives on a Wireless Random Access Erasure Collision Channel. (Slides). Vasilis Gkatzelis and Steven Weber.
10:25-11:00 Break
Session 2 – Chair: Mingyan Liu
11-11:45 Invited talk: Kartik Hosanagar, Analyzing Product and Page Networks on the Web. (Slides).
11:45-12:05 Simple Pricing Schemes for the Cloud. (Slides). Ian A. Kash, Peter Key and Warut Suksompong.
12:05-12:25 Spatial Pricing in Ride-Sharing Networks. (Slides). Kostas Bimpikis, Ozan Candogan and Daniela Saban.
12:25-12:35 A Contract-Theoretic Design of Mobile Data Plan with Time Flexibility. Zhiyuan Wang, Lin Gao and Jianwei Huang.
12:35-2:00 Lunch
Session 3 – Chair: Nicolas Stier
2:00-2:45 Invited talk: Nicole Immorlica, Influence Maximization in Unknown Networks.
2:45-3:05 Designing Cyber Insurance Policies in the Presence of Security Interdependence. (Slides). Mohammad Mahdi Khalili, Parinaz Naghizadeh Ardabili and Mingyan Liu.
3:05-3:15 Learning Context-dependent Preferences from Raw Data. Alexander Peysakhovich and Johan Ugander.
3:15-3:25 A Cooperative Game-theoretic Approach to Quantify the Value of Personal Data in Networks. (Slides). Michela Chessa and Patrick Loiseau.
3:25-4:00 Break
Session 4 – Chair: Sid Banerjee
4:00-4:45 Invited talk: Ashish Goel, Decision making at scale: Algorithms, platforms, and mechanisms. (Slides).
4:45-5:05 Pricing Social Goods. (Slides). Tomer Ezra, Alon Eden and Michal Feldman.
5:05-5:25 Quantifying the Benefits of Infrastructure Sharing. Matthew Andrews, Milan Bradonjic and Iraj Saniee.
5:25-5:35 Dynamic Policies for Cooperative Networked Systems. George Iosifidis and Leandros Tassiulas.